The shack: Vicente Blasco Ibáñez

The shack: Vicente Blasco Ibáñez

The shack; Vicente Blasco Ibáñez

The barrack is a rural drama written by the Valencian lawyer, politician, journalist and author Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. It is a work published in 1898, and framed in the subgenre known as Naturalism. As a curious fact, in 1945, Roberto Gavaldón produced a film based on the novel, starring Domingo Soler, Anita Blanch and Manolo Fábregas.

On the other hand, in 1979, on Spanish Television, a series directed by León Klimovsky was released, which featured the performances of Álvaro de Luna, Marisa de Leza, Victoria Abril, Lola Herrera and Luis Suárez in the main roles. Blasco Ibáñez's title has an average rating of 4.06 out of 5 stars on Goodreads, which speaks of a particular significance in time.

The historical and literary context

To fully understand La barraca it is necessary to place it within the framework of Naturalism., a literary movement that seeks to portray reality in an objective, almost scientific way, with a focus on the crudest aspects of human existence. In late 19th century Spain, social inequalities and rural poverty were endemic, and Blasco Ibanez He set out to give voice to these problems through his narrative.

The author was also influenced by the regeneration movement, which advocated reforming Spanish society after the political and economic decline of the 19th century. The barrack can be interpreted as an attempt to shed light on social conflicts that impeded progress in the Spanish countryside.

plot summary

The novel focuses on the family of Batiste Borrull, who decides to rent a shack —a small rural dwelling— and the lands surrounding it, abandoned after years of conflict between the former tenants and the landowners. However, his arrival unleashes the hostility of the neighbors, who consider these lands as cursed and see in Batiste an intruder who threatens the traditions and balance of the community.

Despite his efforts to work the land and earn the respect of the villagers, Batiste and his family are subjected to increasing harassment. This rejection is intensified by acts of sabotage and direct aggression, leading to a tragic climax that reflects the brutality of social tensions and the impossibility of escaping the collective stigma.

Main themes of the novel

Class struggle and social inequalities

One of the most prominent themes of The barrack It is the conflict between rural workers and landowners, who control the land and perpetuate a system of exploitation. The figure of Batiste symbolizes the working man who aspires to prosper through effort., but he faces a deeply unjust system and a community trapped in resentment and envy.

The rejection of the stranger

The figure of the foreigner or intruder is central to the narrative. Despite sharing the same difficulties and needs as their neighbors, Batiste is seen as a threat for occupying lands that the community considers cursed.This rejection of the “other” reflects the dynamics of exclusion and prejudice that often arise in closed communities.

Fate and determinism

Faithful to naturalism, Blasco Ibáñez presents his characters as victims of their environment and the socioeconomic circumstances that surround them. Despite their efforts, Batiste cannot escape his tragic destiny, highlighting the idea that human beings are conditioned by external factors beyond their control.

Nature as a setting and protagonist

The Valencian region not only serves as a backdrop, but also acts as another character in the story. Detailed descriptions of the fields, crops and climate They reflect both the beauty and the hostility of the natural environment., closely related to the characters' struggles.

Main characters

Batiste Borrull

The protagonist, a hard-working and honest man who only wants to provide a better future for his family. His perseverance contrasts with the irrational hatred of his neighbors.


Batiste's wife, who shares his hardships and tries to maintain stability at home.

Batiste's children

They symbolize the hope for a better future, although they also suffer the consequences of social rejection.

The neighbors

Collectively, they represent the closed mindset and the prejudices that dominate the community.

Narrative style of the work

Blasco Ibáñez uses a direct and descriptive style, characteristic of Naturalism. The meticulous portraits of rural landscapes and peasant customs create an immersive atmosphere., while the colloquial language of the dialogues lends authenticity to the characters. In addition, the author uses a narrative full of tension, which keeps the reader in suspense until the end.

Impact and reception

In his time, The shack was acclaimed for its courage in tackling sensitive social issues and for its faithful portrayal of rural life. However, He also faced criticism for his pessimism and the harshness of his descriptions. Over time, the novel has established itself as a key work in Spanish literature, both for its literary value and its social relevance.


La barraca is a work that transcends its time by addressing universal themes such as the fight for justice, the rejection of the different and the influence of the environment on human destiny. Vicente Blasco Ibáñez manages, with his narrative mastery, to paint a realistic and moving picture of the tensions that shaped rural life in 19th century Spain.

Reading this novel is like entering a world of deep human conflicts., where the fight for survival collides with the barriers of intolerance and inequality.

Fragment The barrack

"The judges kept the witness statements in their memories and passed sentences immediately, with the peace of mind of those who know that their decisions must be carried out. Anyone who was insolent with the court was fined; anyone who refused to comply with the sentence was cut off from water forever and died of hunger."

About the Author

Vicente Blasco Ibáñez was born on January 29, 1867 in Valencia, Spain. During his lifetime, it developed around him, together with the newspaper The village —which he founded—, a republican political movement known as Blasquism. In his youth, he had the opportunity to read The Miserables, by Victor Hugo. From then on, historian Ramiro Reig said, he knew that he would become a revolutionary writer.

Quotes by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez

  • "True kindness consists in being cruel, because in this way the enemy, terrified, surrenders more quickly and the world suffers less."
  • "The poor man who resigns himself to his fate and does not seek to become rich, by any means, by fair means or foul, is a coward or a useless man, and cannot turn his vileness into a merit."
  • "As a beast of reason, he knows the enormity of danger better than other beasts; but he lives happily, because he has the power to forget, and he is also certain that there is a Providence with no other occupation than to watch over him."
  • "The animal does not know right, justice, compassion; it lives as a slave to the darkness of its instincts. We think, and thought means freedom. The strong, to be so, do not need to be cruel; they are greater when they do not abuse their strength and are good."
  • "Man, eternally condemned to rudeness and selfishness by his very nature, can give very little of himself in a subject as delicate as poetry."

Other books by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez


  • Fantasies (Legends and traditions) (1887);
  • For the homeland! Romeu the Guerrilla (1888);
  • The black spider (1892);
  • Long live the Republic! (1893);
  • Wedding night (1893);
  • Rice and tartana (1894);
  • Flor de mayo (1895);
  • The fans (1895);
  • Valencian tales (1896);
  • Between orange (1900);
  • The condemned one (1900);
  • Sonica the Courtesan (1901);
  • Canes and clay (1902);
  • Cathedral (1903);
  • El intruso (1904);
  • The winery (1905);
  • The Horde (1905);
  • The naked maja (1906);
  • The will to live (1953);
  • Sangre y arena (1908);
  • The dead rule (1909);
  • Luna Benamor (1909);
  • The argonauts (1914);
  • The four horsemen of the apocalypse (1916);
  • Mare Nostrum (1918);
  • The enemies of women (1919);
  • The deceased's loan (1921);
  • Women's Paradise (1922);
  • The Land of All (1922);
  • Queen Calafia (1923);
  • Novels from the French Riviera (1924);
  • A kidnapped nation (Militarist terror in Spain) (1924);
  • The Pope of the Sea (1925);
  • At the feet of Venus: the Borgias (1926);
  • Novels of love and death (1927);
  • Mademoiselle Norma (1927);
  • A nihilistic idyll (1928);
  • Count Garci Fernandez (1928);
  • Marujita Quiros (1928);
  • Mr. Avellaneda (1928);
  • Midnight Mass: Legends and Traditions (1928);
  • The Knight of the Virgin (1929);
  • In search of the Great Khan (1929);
  • Father Claudio (1930);
  • The ghost of the golden wings (1930);
  • The Damned and Other Stories (1979)

Other works

  • The catechism of the good federal republican (1892);
  • Paris, impressions of an emigrant (1893);
  • The Judge. Drama in three acts and in prose (1894);
  • In the country of art (three months in Italy) (1896);
  • East (travel) (1907);
  • Argentina and its greatness (1910);
  • The Shadow of Attila: Emotions of the Great War (1916);
  • Mexican militarism: studies published in the main newspapers of the United States (1920);
  • A kidnapped nation (militarist terror in Spain) (1924);
  • Around the world of a novelist (1924-1925);
  • For Spain and against the King (Alfonso XIII unmasked) (1925);
  • What the Spanish Republic will be (To the country and the army) (1925);
  • 1914 European War History (1914-1921);
  • History of the Spanish Revolution (from the War of Independence to the Restoration of Sagunto) 1808-1874 (1890-1892).

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