The fox hole

The fox hole

Within the youth literature, one of the books that caught the attention as soon as it was published in 2022 was The Fox's Burrow. This book, written by Nora Sakavic, was a success and was the one that catapulted the author to success, not only in Spain, but throughout the world.

But What is The Fox's Den about? Is this a unique book? How many pages does it have? Who is the author? If you are interested in learning more about this book, take a look at what we have prepared. Shall we begin?

Synopsis of The Fox's Burrow

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The Fox's Burrow is aimed at young people aged 16 and up. We could say that it is a young adult book, although the themes are focused on diversity, something that is not easily found.

This book It was published in January 2022, and the truth is that even in 2025 it is still giving a lot to talk about and is a read that may interest the youngest.

Below is the synopsis taken from Amazon:

«Neil Josten is a young man who has spent his entire life on the run from his father, the ruthless head of a criminal organization. He's used to living in fear and pretending to be anyone but himself. When his mother is murdered, Neil makes a desperate decision: join the exy team known as the Foxes. Exy is a fast-paced, violent sport, a mix of lacrosse, rugby and hockey - the only thing that makes Neil feel real. However, Neil isn't the only one with secrets on the team. One of the Foxes is an old childhood friend, and Neil can't find the courage to walk away from him a second time. Has he finally found something worth fighting for?»

Is it a unique book?

The Fox's Burrow is not actually a single book. It is part of the All for the game series, made up of three books, although in reality in other editions from other countries there are a total of 4 books, although the last one seems to be the short one. Specifically, the series are:

  • The Fox's Burrow, which would be the first of the books that gives rise to this story.
  • The Raven King, where you will continue with Neil's adventures and the danger he has to face.
  • The King's Guard, where the story comes to an end.

For now, it doesn't seem like the author will be releasing any more books from this trilogy, although you never know. In fact, Amazon doesn't classify it as a trilogy, but rather as a series, so we'll have to wait and see if she develops any more of the story in the future.

How many pages does The Fox's Burrow have?

book page preview

One of the most frequently asked questions on the Internet about the book The Fox's Burrow refers to the number of pages this book has. Well, right now, and in the physical edition that is on the market, The book has a total of 320 pages.

If we add to that the 384 pages of the second book, and the 444 pages of the third book, the complete trilogy has a total of 1148 pages.

Considering that it is a young adult story, it is quite a long story, but from the reviews of the books it seems to be quite engaging and easy to read. So you won't have much trouble getting your kids to read it if they like this genre.

Opinions on The Fox's Den

If you haven't given this book a chance yet, or want to know what kind of reviews (positive or negative) it has, We have compiled some that we have found on Amazon To give you an idea.

To be honest, the story itself isn't the best. There are certain actions that I still don't understand even after reading the books (I originally read them in English). Other things are made up out of thin air and don't make any sense, and the EXY theme (the invented sport it deals with) isn't explained in the best possible way. One of the subplots (the mafia one) seems to be important but for me it's relegated to the background and has a very abrupt ending. There are too many little things that would make me say I don't recommend the books. But, the reality is that Nora Sakavic has created a family; the foxes, that leaves your heart warm and makes you forget everything else. Yes, the story could be better, but I read them and ended up completely obsessed with each and every one of the characters, and I had to resort to fanfics so as not to leave the foxes. In the end, even if a book has certain technical flaws, the important thing is to enjoy it, and I certainly enjoyed it. Also, for the first time I can say that the Spanish edition is better than the English one. It has a nice cover, content warnings appear, and a splendid translation.

The series that has captivated me the most is simply magnificent, I think it is good for an audience of 16 to 22 years old, of course older people can enjoy it but I think it is perfect for this age group.

It is the first book of a trilogy and it is quite introductory. Many names and details that made the majority of the book confusing. The first half of the book was a bit slow for me but then it gets lively and leaves you wanting more. It gives us hints of things that we will discover throughout the trilogy. Throughout the story we will get to know the characters, their past and how they are evolving. They all have a difficult past and that is the reason why the trainer of Los Zorros has signed them. We will find that it deals with many topics such as mental health, friendship, trust, sport, addictions, overcoming, hope and dreams... We will get into it little by little and as we get to know the story we will become fond of the characters.

In general, most of the opinions you can find about the story are positive. Many of them They highlight the affection that one develops for the characters. But also the fact that the first book is a bit slow in its development and that makes it difficult for some to get through. However, if you continue, you end up getting hooked by the story.

Who is Nora Sakavic?

alternative cover

Source: Pinterest

As we told you at the beginning of this article, the author of The Fox's Burrow, and also of the rest of the books that make up the trilogy, is Nora Sakavic, writer of dark fantasy and young adult books. Now, the truth is that we can't tell you much, because very little has been revealed about the author.

Her trilogy has made her a resounding success, not only in Spain, but all over the world, which has led to the creation of a large legion of followers of her stories. Apart from these books, we have been able to see that there is a fourth book in the trilogy, although it is quite short (perhaps a spinoff or something similar, although it seems that it has not been translated or published in Spain). And there is also a book, in English, entitled Elysium.

What has come to light are her hobbies, such as the fact that she is a Japanophile, a former Starbucks barista, and likes orange, foxes, alcohol, hate and hope.

To follow her, you can find her on Twitter, Tumblr and also on Instagram. But from what we've tried to find, she doesn't seem to have a website.

As you can see, now all that's left is for you to decide whether or not to read The Fox's Burrow and, if you get hooked, continue reading the author's other stories. For now she only has these, but with the success she's had, I'm sure she'll soon publish more books (especially since the last one).

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