When we buy a book, depending on the person who makes it, they look at one thing or another: the author of it, the synopsis or summary, the literary genre, its thickness, its cover, its title, ... I would dare to say that the highest percentage when making the decision to buy it or not rests with the author and genre. Therefore, if you liked the previous one by the same author, think that you may like the new published book. However, it is more than likely that the lower percentage, that is, the decision that least leads us to buy a book, is related to its title.
And speaking of titles, which one has surprised you the most? Which title have you found the most amusing of all the books you've come across so far? What is the one that has caught your attention the most? Next, we present you the books with the most curious and funny titles that we have found. If your writer was planning to draw attention to them, they have certainly succeeded.
Would you buy a book with these titles?
- "How to have the house like a pig: Domestic guide of the perfect bachelor", book by PJ O'Rourke.
- "Three men in a boat, not to mention the dog", Jerome K. Jerome's book.
- "The solitude of prime numbers", book by Paolo Giordano.
- "The Great Penis Panic in Singapore: The Future of Mass Hysteria in America", Scott D. Mendelson's book.
- "How to shit in the bush", Katheen Meyer's book.
- "Diary of a silly child", Tono's book (pseudonym of Antonio de Lara).
- "The role of mushrooms in Christian art", John A Rush book.
- "The club of the chocadictas", Carole Matthews book.
- "Sakamura, Corrales and the Laughing Dead", book by Pablo Tusset.
- "The blue princes also fade", Megan Maxwell's book.
- "I have to kill you again", Charlotte Link's book.
- «The mother who gave birth to us», book by Cristina Quiles.
- «People who come and bah», book by Laura Norton.
- "Memoirs of a mangy lover", Groucho Marx book.
- "The time between sutures", from Nurse Saturated.
- "Gordi fucking good"by Elena Devesa and Rebeca Gómez.
- «Manual to survive in this shitty world», book by Laura Sánchez.
- "We all marry idiots", Elaine W. Miller book.
- "Good girls go to heaven and bad girls everywhere", book by Ute Ehrhardt.
- "How to work for an idiot"by John Hoover.
- "How to be successful in business without a penis"by Karen Salmansohn.
- "How to send people to hell", book by César Landaeta.
- "Bestiary", Julio Cortázar's book.
Have you read any of them? Which one has caught your attention the most?