Find a publisher bet on a new author es hard. In the publishing market each DThere are more writers and fewer readers today. Therefore self-publishingon is booming. We do not know how many titles are published on Amazon each year without a publisher behind that supports the writer. There are no statesstatistics and self-published books do not have a centralized registry number where they can be consulted.
What yes know es that great authors from major publishers began with self-publishingon on Amazon, which writers with significant sales figures do not work with a publisher and that every day new talents emerge who decide to start their journey in the publishing world by way of self-publication. Today I leave you some names for which Amazon is or has been, the way to reach a multitude of readers.
Lorraine Franco
Actress and writer, with 16 films, numerous television appearances and 14 novels to her credit, Lorena publishes her books with Amazon and is ranked Top sales of this giant distributor. His domestic noir reaches readers who eagerly read each new title released.
Stephen Navarro:
With 16 novels to his credit, this writer and ex-policeman has been in the world of literature for many years, with mmultiple awards and accolades. Usual of gblack january he has also made forays into science fiction. He has published most of his books with Editions B until 2015, after being acquired by because Penguin Random House, they stopped publishing it for catalog reasons. From there toor to desktop publishing and its readers remain as faithful as ever.
Roberto Martinez Guzman
Crime novel writer par excellence, although its first top sales was Letters from Abuse, the real diary of an abused woman, who set social networks on fire. His success with readers has convinced you of the benefits of self-publishing. His crime novels feature a pfaithful public with whom he maintains daily contact in social media.
Ana Ballabriga and David Zaplana
Winners of the 2016 Amazon Indie Contest, with A scotchit's true, they continued to post the Amazon until a publisher made them an offer that convinced themó. His next novel, I am Rose Black, is already in bookstores by the hand of the Publisher versattic.
Not only of Black Amazon lives.
Also among the top sales of Amazon we find a site for other genres such as
Non-fiction, as is the case with Ruth Nieves which jumped to the top of the sales list with a book of improvementpersonal on: Believe in yourself. After several sold out editions, the Planeta publishing house acquiredor the rights and released ten more editions.
We also find writers of children's book, as Javier Saenz Pinillos, Which My little bed it reached top sales of Amazon and from there, it began to work with the publishing house Duomo.
In addition, every day they appear on Amazon new talents looking for its place in the hearts and in the bookstores of the readers as is the case of Michael Casals, a newcomer to this platform, who after donating his first two books to Cáritas, has self-published the third About Us First installment of a trilogy based on the idea that "White is more noticeable and valued after passing through black ..."
We can not forget that great Today's bestsellers were unveiled autopublicgoing to Amazon, as EL James (50 shades of gray), Federico Moccia o Eva garcIa Saenz de Urturi.
I am in that project of Self-publishing books of personal improvement.
My first Platform would be Amazon.
I have never published books, but my goal is to get published the first four books in.
I am in that process.
Any suggestions make your comment favorable ...
W 1 809 3775489.
If you have not done it before, I recommend that you train beforehand with a course, an advisor or on your own, there is a lot of information available. Promotion is essential in self-publishing.