John Tranch I have been in the publishing sector for some time, with a particular interest and focused on the study of Ancient Rome and the classical world. Now when he has made the leap to the market with a novel that tells the story of a legendary gladiator, Spicules. I really appreciate your time, dedication and kindness for this interview where he talks about her and several other topics.
Juan Tranche - Interview
- LITERATURE NEWS: Spicules is your debut novel in the historical genre. What do you tell us about it and where did the idea come from?
For years I feel something inexplicable for the gladiator world and Spiculus was one of the best of all times. It has always caught my attention how everyone has heard about these fighters who left their lives in the arena, but no one knows any who have really existed. Spartacus, the most famous of all time, did it for leading a slave rebellion, not for being a good gladiator. In a society where we love to measure success by awarding prizes and decorations for almost everything, at least I found it curious. I took advantage of little data that we have of him and the passion I feel for that time to tell, not only his story, but also to introduce this wonderful world from the hand of two friends who face each other in the Rome of Emperor Nero.
- AL: Can you go back to that first book you read? And the first story you wrote?
The first book I remember in school was a history of Pompeii told for children where the protagonist was called Sofia. That book marked me because we were able to have a meeting with the author. Apart from the obligation to read in the educational stage, the first book I read of my own accord was The pillars of the earth. I loved. Since then I have never stopped reading and I try to spread my passion to my daughters.
Regarding writing. The only thing that I have written throughout my life, until I decided to tell the story of Spiculus, were love letters with fifteen years who today is my wife. I had never written a story, or anything like that, but I hope I never abandon this hobby that has become a passion.
- AL: A head writer? You can choose more than one and from all eras.
I would definitely stay with Ken follet because his books made me love the historical novel. Also Santiago Posteguillo in this genre and, of course, Juan Eslava Galan, since I adore the Roman world thanks to its books. In other genres that I am also passionate about, such as thriller or crime novel, I really like them Santiago Díaz and Carmen Mola.
- AL: What character in a book would you have liked to meet and create?
Sila, a general protagonist of the novel Gladiatorsby Roger Mouge. I still wonder how this character would think in different situations or how he would act in different ones. Yes, I know this sounds a bit strange. I would also have liked to create, not so much to know, Alice gould the protagonist of God's crooked linesby Torcuato Luca de Tena.
- AL: Any special habits or habits when it comes to writing or reading?
In the writing facet, the music of soundtracks like Max Ritcher, Hans Zimmer and always according to the scene I'm developing. Also, it can never be missing coffee and chocolate. As for reading, none. I have an ability to very high concentration and no matter how loud there is around me or no matter how loud my daughters are, the television I get into the scene when I'm reading.
- AL: And your preferred place and time to do it?
To write, as I said, at night and on the table in the living room. To read I love the armchair in my daughter's room, the sofa in the living room, the bedroom, the kitchen, the terrace. In summary, I do not care the site because I am passionate about reading. But, if I had to stay with a specific moment I would choose in summer, in a hammock with the sound of the sea in the background.
- AL: Are there other genres that you like?
I read almost everything. I love the novel History and the novel black and I combine it with tests. I think the only genre I have never read is a romance novel, but I don't rule it out either.
- AL: What are you reading now? And writing?
Right now I just finished: There are no more jungle left to return, by Carlos Augusto Casas, which I really liked. I just started reading: The alanoby Jose Zoilo Hernández.
Writing, I'm finishing my second novel what about the gladiator women.
- AL: How do you think the publishing scene is and what decided you to try to publish?
Today there is more supply than ever and, fortunately, you can buy books at any price. This is great news because it allows culture to be available for all budgets and for all tastes. There are also possibilities that previously did not exist thanks to the self-publishing which has allowed novice writers, who previously thought it impossible to fulfill their dream, the possibility of editing their works. I tried because I had nothing to lose and everything to gain and, without a doubt, I made the right decision since, since I wrote SpiculesIt's amazing how much it has enriched me.
- AL: Is the moment of crisis that we are experiencing being difficult for you or will you be able to keep something positive for future stories?
The truth is that I do not know. Spicules It came to light only a few months ago, therefore I have only known this moment. So everything I take with me is very very positive. If what comes is better, I am looking forward to living it.