Over the years, many authors have left us examples of eclogues that have been studied, analyzed and interpreted. However, although today this word seems to be in disuse and that it is a part of literature that has no future, the truth is that it may not be so.
If you want to know what an eclogue is and, above all, an example of it, below we have found some that may be interesting to know (if you have not read them yet).
What is an eclogue
The eclogue is defined as a composition in which feelings, moods, reflections must be transmitted… Sometimes, the authors use for this a dialogue in which two or more characters participate; but it can also be done as a monologue.
One of the main characteristics of the eclogue is the central theme that will always be related to feelingsusually love.
It is known that the first eclogue that exists was written by Theocritus, specifically in the fourth century before Christ. Its title was "Idylls" which means in ancient Greek "little poems". Of course, other authors followed, such as Bion of Ermyrna, Virgilio, Giovanni Boccaccio...
In Roman times it was very popular and the same thing happened in the Renaissance. So it would not be surprising if it came back into fashion.
Characteristics of an eclogue
Despite the fact that we have previously mentioned some of the characteristics of an eclogue, the truth is that it has many more. Here we summarize them:
his musicality
We could say that an eclogue it is similar to a poem and these usually have musicality. So in the case of the eclogue the same thing would happen.
The reason is because all the verses of which it is composed have a consonant rhyme in such a way that the sounds coincide and create a rhythm and musicality.
In fact, when they represent it is usual that they are accompanied when recited with music.
Love theme
This is one of the main characteristics and one that should always exist. It may be because a love episode is related, because he goes out of his way for his love, or because it is an unrequited love.
But always, love will always be the main theme.
In this case the eclogues are characterized by having characters who are shepherds or peasants, although the truth is that, as it evolved, this changed.
Its structure
an eclogue it must have 30 stanzas, each with 14 lines that can be hendecasyllables (eleven syllables) or heptasyllables (seven syllables).
In addition, the rhyme of all of them must be consonant, that is to say, that the last words of the verses, it does not matter if they are two or more, have the same sound.
As a general rule, eclogues begin by introducing the characters, either by a narrator or by themselves. It is almost always common to find that the author puts the name of that character first so that everything that comes after is part of it, as if he were saying it.
After the presentation comes the expression of those feelings by the character or characters, always in the form of poetry.
And finally, the end of an eclogue focuses on how the author dismisses the characters and then he makes a conclusion of the topic he has created.
Famous authors and eclogues
There is no doubt that eclogues have been around for a long time and for this reason there are some authors who are considered examples of traditional, classic and important eclogues.
Theocritus should be mentioned as the first name, since he was the father of these. However, after him appeared other equally important names.
For example, the case of Mosco, Bion of Smyrna or Virgilio, which was when they really became famous and they became even more popular.
More famous authors are, without a doubt, Nemesiano, Ausonio and Calpurnio Siculo, as well as Giovanni Boccaccio, Jacopo Sannazaro.
As for Spaniards, We must highlight Lope de Vega, who revolutionized the formulas of theater and of which works such as "The true lover" or "La Arcadia" remain; Juan Boscán, with eclogues on a pastoral theme; Garcilaso de la Vega, with "The sweet lament of two shepherds" or "In the middle of winter is the warm one"; Juan del Encina; Pedro Soto de Rojas and some more.
Examples of eclogue
Finally, we want to leave you several examples of eclogues that we have found on the Internet so that you can see what is the result of applying everything that we have mentioned before.
"The Sweet Lament of Two Shepherds" by Garcilaso de la Vega
Oh, harder than marble to my complaints,
and the lit fire in which I burn
colder than snow, Galatea!
Oh well expired, vain and hasty!
I remember, sleeping here for an hour,
that waking up, I saw Elisa by my side.
“Idyll IV. The shepherds” of Theocritus
Corydon, tell me, whose are the cows?
Are they from Filondas?
No, from Egon, now
He has given them to me for grazing.
And where in hiding do you milk them?
All in the afternoon?
The old man puts them, and he keeps me well.
And has the absent herdsman gone?
Haven't you heard? she took it with her
Milton to Alphaeus. (…)
“Eclogue of Plácida and Vitoriano” by Juan del Encina
(...) Placid.
hurt heart,
chamomile I have from you.
O great evil, cruel pressure!
I had no compassion
Victorian of me
If it goes.
Sad, what will become of me?
Oh, for my bad I saw him!
I didn't have it for bad,
I don't have it, if you wanted
not be so elusive and such.
This is my deadly sore
I would heal if I saw him.
See or what?
Well, he didn't have faith in me,
it would be better if he left.
What goes? I am crazy,
what do I say such heresy!
Too bad it touches so much,
how did it come out of my mouth?
Oh, what a crazy fantasy!
Out, out!
God never wants such a thing,
that in your life is mine.
My life, my body and soul
in their power they are transported,
she has me all in her palm;
in my bad there is never calm
and the forces are shortened;
and they lengthen
sorrows that take so long for me
that with death are conorted. (…)
“Eclogue III” by Vicent Andrés Estellés
Nemorous. (…)
I'm scared this afternoon - in the office
of those afternoons of ours, of those days.
Belisa, the world is headed for disaster.
I'll start dialing from the phone
any number: "Come, Belisa!"
I cry, Belisa, between credits and debits.
I cry in the attic that you know.
Belisa, the world is headed for disaster!
Eclogue Antonia de Lope de Vega
Stop me I feel here close sighs
and I don't think it was vain suspicion
for it comes slowly through blue sapphires,
violets of the candida morning,
my friend the pastor Feliciana.
Not in vain the green meadow is enameled with flowers.
My Antonia, where?
"The eclogue to Claudio" by Garcilaso de la Vega
So, after so many delays
with peaceful modesty suffered,
forced and impelled
of so many nonsense,
they come out between superb humilities
truths from the mine of the soul.
I'm on the path of dying clearer
and from all hope I withdraw;
that I only attend and look
where everything stops;
because I have never seen that after living
who did not look first to die.
Do you know more examples of eclogue?