Lucy Score

Lucy Score

Lucy Score is an American writer of romantic comedy and contemporary romance. Come and learn more about her work.

heiress of fire

Heir of Fire: Sarah J. Maas

Discover “Heir of Fire,” the third volume in the fantasy romance series Throne of Glass by American author Sarah J. Maas.

One Love

A love: Sara Mesa

Discover "Un amor", a contemporary drama written by the Spanish philologist, journalist and author Sara Mesa.


Ethereal: Joana Marcús

Discover Etéreo, a young adult fantasy novel written by Spanish author and psychology student Joana Marcús.

new arrivals

November's News. Selection

Among the new releases for November we have a selection of highly relevant titles from national and international authors.


Intermezzo: Sally Rooney

Discover “Intermezzo,” the new novel by young film producer, screenwriter and bestselling author Sally Rooney.

The visitor

The visitor: Stephen King

Discover "The Visitor", a detective-style horror novel by American screenwriter, director, actor and musician Stephen King.

An ocean to reach you

Discover "An Ocean to Reach You", a contemporary novel by Spanish journalist and television presenter Sandra Barneda.

Throne of glass

Throne of Glass: Sarah J. Maas

Discover “Throne of Glass,” the first volume of a young adult fantasy and romance series by American author Sarah J. Maas.

October news

October's News. Selection

The new releases for October are many and varied. Here is a selection of 6 titles from various genres.

Miss mars

Miss Mars: Manuel Jabois

Come and discover Miss Marte, a thriller written by the Spanish journalist and author Manuel Jabois. Don't miss it.

Leave the dead alone

Leave the dead alone: ​​JR Barat

Leave the Dead in Peace is a mystery novel for young people written by the Spanish philologist JR Barat. Come and learn more about the author and his work.

The clan

The clan: Carmen Mola

Discover El Clan, the latest volume of the Inspector Elena Blanco pentalogy, written by Carmen Mola. Don't miss it!

Come and discover La mala costumbre, a contemporary novel written by the Spanish playwright, poet and stage director Alana S. Portero.

just smoke

Just smoke: Juan José Millás

Only Smoke is a contemporary novel by the award-winning Spanish journalist and writer Juan José Millás. Come and learn more about the author and his work.

Sara barquinero

Sara barquinero

Sara Barquinero is an award-winning Spanish philosopher and writer. Come and learn everything you need to know about her life and work.

the wide world

The Wide World: Pierre Lemaitre   

The Wide World is the first volume of the series The Glorious Years, by the Parisian Pierre Lemaitre. Come and learn more about the author and his work.

The matriarch

The matriarch: Pablo Rivero

The Matriarch is a mystery and suspense novel written by the Spanish actor and writer Pablo Rivero. Come, learn more about the author and his work.

Normal people

Normal People: Sally Rooney

Normal People is a romantic-dramatic novel by Irish writer Sally Rooney. Come, learn more about the author and her work.

news of august

August. Selection of news

August brings a handful of interesting new features that we see in this selection. To read in the holiday month par excellence

The familiar

The Familiar: Leigh Bardugo

The Familiar is a fantastic historical novel by Israeli journalist Leigh Bardugo. Come, learn more about the author and her work.

The sugar master

The sugar master: Mayte Uceda

The Sugar Master is a romantic historical novel by the Spanish Mayte Uceda. Come, learn more about the author and her work.

the ungrateful

The ungrateful: Pedro Simón

The Ingrates is a contemporary novel written by the Spanish journalist and author Pedro Simón. Come, learn more about him and his work.

Bye little one

Goodbye, little one: Máximo Huerta

Goodbye, Little One is an autobiographical novel written by the Spanish journalist and politician Máximo Huerta. Come, learn more about the author and his work.


Hamnet: Maggie O'Farrell

Hamnet is historical fiction written by British journalist, editor and teacher Maggie O'Farrell. Come, learn more about her and her work.

Tell me who I am

Tell me who I am: Julia Navarro

Tell me who I am is a novel written by the Spanish journalist and author Julia Navarro. Come, learn more about her and her work.


Baumgartner: Paul Auster

Baumgartner is the last novel by the late American director, screenwriter and translator Paul Auster. Come, learn more about him and his work.


The Germans: Sergio del Molino

The Germans is a historical novel by the Spanish publicist and journalist Sergio del Molino. Come, learn more about the author and his work.

the seduction

The seduction: Sara Torres

Seduction is a lesbian novel written by the Spanish poet and writer Sara Torres. Come, learn more about the author and her work.


Snob: Elisabet Benavent

Esnob is a contemporary comic and romantic novel by Spanish author Elisabet Benavent. Come, learn more about the author and her work.

White Nights

White Nights: Fyodor Dostoyevsky

White Nights is a short story by the legendary Moscow short story writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Come, learn more about him and his work.

Island of storms

Storm Island: Ken Follett

Storm Island is a spy novel written by Welsh journalist and editor Ken Follett. Come, learn more about the author and his work.

blood canvas

Blood Canvas: María Villamayor

Lienzo de sangre is a historical mystery and suspense novel by the Spanish María Villamayor. Come, learn more about the author and her work.

Mona's eyes

Mona's eyes: Thomas Schlesser

Mona's Eyes is a moving novel written by Parisian art historian Thomas Schlesser. Come, learn more about the author and his work.

Rome is me

Rome is me: Santiago Posteguillo

Roma soy yo is the first volume of the Julius Caesar series by the award-winning Spaniard Santiago Posteguillo. Come, learn more about the author in his work.

The last function

The last function: Luis Landero

The last feature is a novel written by the award-winning Spanish musician, columnist and author Luis Landero. Come, learn more about him and his work.

The rumor

The Rumor: Ashley Audrain

The Rumor is a thriller by Canadian public relations and publicist Ashley Audrain. Come, she knows more about the author and her work.

The forgotten son

The forgotten son: Mikel Santiago

The Forgotten Son is the last volume of the Illumbe universe, by the Spanish Mikel Santiago. Come, learn more about the author and his work.

May news

May news. Title selection

May brings many new features, among which we bring this selection of titles by national and international authors.

Blackwater: Michael McDowell

Blackwater is a Southern Gothic novel by American screenwriter Michael McDowell. Come, learn more about the author and his work.

poor creatures

Poor things: Alasdair Gray

Poor Creatures is a fantasy, adventure and comedy novel by the late Scottish author Alasdair Gray. Come, learn more about him and his work.


Disgrace: JM Coetzee

Misfortune is a novel by South African Nobel Prize winner JM Coetzee. Come, learn more about the author and his work.

Let's break the ice

Let's break the ice: David Safier

Let's Break the Ice is a contemporary novel by Bremen screenwriter and author David Safier. Come, learn more about the writer and his work.


Hex: Thomas Olde Heuvelt

Hex is a horror novel written by the multi-award-winning Dutch author Thomas Olde Heuvelt. Come, learn more about the writer and his work.

The trees

The Trees: Percival Everett

The Trees is a crime novel of humor and horror written by the American Percival Everett. Come, learn more about the author and his work.

Donkey belly

Donkey belly

Panza de burro is a novel that is difficult to define even for its editors: it could be "dirty" prose from everyday life in Tenerife.

Sweet Home

Sweet home: Pablo Rivero

Sweet Home is a mystery and suspense novel written by the Spanish actor and writer Pablo Rivero. Come, learn more about the author and his work.

March news

March news. Title selection

New releases for March include titles from various genres such as crime, historical or cozy mystery novels. We review them.


Flush: Virginia Woolf

Flush is a cross-fiction and non-fiction novel written by British writer Virginia Woolf. Come, learn more about the author and her work.

10 works by Eduardo Mendicutti

10 works by Eduardo Mendicutti

Eduardo Mendicutti is a renowned and award-winning Spanish journalist and author. Come and learn more about him and his works.

The inocents

The innocent: María Oruña

The Innocents is the latest installment of the Puerto Escondido series, by the Spanish María Oruña. Come, learn more about the author and her work.


Silk, a delight of literature

Silk is a short novel written by the Italian journalist, playwright and professor Alessandro Baricco. Come, learn more about the author and his work.

Everything returns

Everything comes back: Juan Gómez Jurado

Everything returns is the second volume of the successful thriller Everything burns, by the Spanish Juan Gómez Jurado. Come, learn more about the author and his work.


Bocabesada: Juan del Val

Bocabesada is a novel by the Spanish producer, screenwriter, director and presenter Juan del Val. Come, learn more about the author and his work.

The wire girls

The wire girls: Jordi Sierra i Fabra

The Wire Girls is a young adult novel by the award-winning Spanish journalist and musician Jordi Sierra. Come, learn more about the author and his work.

Beetles fly at sunset

Beetles fly at sunset: Maria Gripe

The Beetles Fly at Dusk is a young adult novel by the writer and screenwriter Maria Gripe. Come, learn more about the author and her work.

the lights of february

The lights of February: Joana Marcús

The lights of February is the fourth and final volume of Months by your side, a series by the Spanish Joana Marcús. Come, learn more about her and her work.

The good father

The good father: Santiago Díaz

The Good Father is the first volume of the Inspectora Indira Ramos series, by Santiago Díaz from Madrid. Come, learn more about the author and his work.

tear maker

Tear Maker: Erin Doom

Maker of Tears is a dark romance novel written by the young and anonymous author Erin Doom. Come, learn more about her and her work.

The humor of my life

The humor of my life: Paz Padilla

The humor of my life is an autobiographical novel by the Spanish comedian and actress Paz Padilla. Come, learn more about her and her work.

The impatient alchemist

The impatient alchemist: Lorenzo Silva

The Impatient Alchemist is the second volume of the Bevilacqua and Chamorro series, by the Spanish Lorenzo Silva. Come, learn more about him and his work.

The Ides of January

The Ides of January: Javier Negrete

The Ides of January is the most recent historical fiction novel by award-winning Spanish Javier Negrete. Come, learn more about the author and his work.

The first to die

First to die: James Patterson

First to Die is the beginning of the Women's Crime Club series by James Patterson. Come, learn more about him and his work.

wings of blood

Wings of blood: Rebeca Yarros

Blood Wings is the first volume of the Empyrean saga, written by the American Rebeca Yarros. Come, learn more about the author and her work.

damn rome

Damn Rome: Santiago Posteguillo

Maldita Roma is the second part of the Julius Caesar Series by Valencian philologist Santiago Posteguillo. Come, learn more about the author and his work.

The summer girl

The Summer Girl: The Blonde Neighbor

The Summer Girl is the third novel in the Summer Saga of the best-selling phenomenon La Vecina Rubia. Come, learn more about the author and her work.

the armor of light

The Armor of Light: Ken Follett

The Armor of Light is the fifth installment of The Pillars of the Earth by Welshman Ken Follett. Come, learn more about him and his work.

selection of novelties

News for November. A selection

These novelties for November are a selection of titles from various genres for all tastes, from historical novels to comics.


Almond: Won Pyung Sohn

Almendra is a short novel for young adults by South Korean writer Won Pyung Sohn. Come, learn more about the author and her work.


Alondra: book

Alondra is a historical fiction novel by Serbian journalist and essayist Dezso Kosztolányi. Come, learn more about the author and his work.


Fear: Care Santos

Fear is the third part of the youth trilogy Mentira by the Spanish literary critic Care Santos. Come, learn more about her and her work.

My fault

My fault: Mercedes Ron

My fault is the first volume of the Culpables trilogy, a new adult story by Argentine Mercedes Ron. Come, learn more about her and her work.

The lost sister

The Lost Sister: Lucinda Riley

The Lost Sister is the seventh book in the Seven Sisters series by Irish author Lucinda Riley. Come, learn more about her and her work.

they want us dead

They want us dead: Javier Moro

They Want Us Dead is a non-fiction novel written by the award-winning Spanish Javier Moro. Come, learn more about the author and his work.

The crystal cuckoo

The glass cuckoo: Javier Castillo

The Crystal Cuckoo is a suspense and mystery novel by the laureate Javier Castillo from Malaga. Come, learn more about the author and his work.


1984: George Orwell

1984 is a dystopian and political fiction novel written by the British Eric Arthur Blair. Learn more about the author and his work.


Damian: Alex Mírez

Damián: a dark and perverse secret is a youth suspense novel by Venezuelan Alex Mírez. Come, learn more about the author and her work.


Hell: Carme Mola

El Infierno is a historical thriller written by Spanish phenomenon Carmen Mola. Come, she knows more about the authors and their work.

The evil king

The Evil King: Holly Black

The Evil King is the second volume of the Dwellers of the Air trilogy by the American Holly Black. Come, learn more about her and her work.

The dance of the crazy

The crazy dance: Victoria Mas

The Dance of the Crazy Women is the literary debut of the French philologist and author Victoria Mas. Come, learn more about the author and her work.

the path of fire

The path of fire: María Oruña

The Path of Fire is the fifth volume of the series The Books of Puerto Escondido, by the Spanish María Oruña. Come read more of her and her work.